A new blog

Welcome to my blog ! Maybe you have met me in person, or you are just a curious wandering soul. In any case, welcome.

This is my first time writing, and it will need some time getting used to. I have always been good at keeping things for myself. Maybe this marks the day where Basile opens up to the world?

As I browse through templates for this web page, a powerful thought lingers in the back of my mind : In a few days, I will embark on the longest and most ambitious adventure of my life yet. I plan to bicycle solo from France to China.

What can be put in 9 words will take 9 months to achieve, and will probably change my life in ways I cannot expect today. I started this blog to share this journey with you. This blog will harbor the moments I experienced with the cultures of this world. Maybe I can transmit somehow what the people from all those countries have to teach.

The page bears the name of the hills, forests, towns and lakes that I will cross on the way to Asia. For the richness of a trip is found in every day and moment rather than in its destination. And I will not only pass valleys in between mountains, but also valleys in thought and life philosophies.

Finally, i would like to write about things that you are interested in. Comment, ask me something… whatever crosses your mind !

I plan to leave on Tuesday next week… Wish me luck and stay tuned !

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